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O melhor lado da The Rise of Evil on Earth: Is Biblical Prophecy Being Fulfilled?

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Why is is that all the calls for cease fire in Israel is tied with having a 2-state solution? Ponder that.

An extended study concerning evil cosmic powers and creatures, and how to fight them, is listed in References & Notes

“The signs of October 7 would thus indicate we are closer to the day of the prophecy’s fulfillment than we might have imagined.”

This portion of scripture in Daniel seems to be discussing some type of peace deal that the Europeans will either propose or at least one from Europe will endorse.

The ongoing political and social issues surrounding Israel and Jerusalem continue to be a focal point for many prophetic interpretations. Events such as the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital by various nations have sparked significant discussion about their prophetic implications.

Jesus didn’t tell us to feel that way, we should not hate the enemy, but only hate what they do. “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous,” (Matthew 5:11-45, NRSV)

Food for thought: The term “apostasy” comes from the Greek word “apostasia”, which means defection or revolt. It signifies a deliberate abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief.

Jesus promised death to the devil and also a redemption for all of us, if only we will make the correct decisions in our life.

In place of the irresistible enticement, we would see the torture and murder of our Lord that was necessary to atone for our embrace of such an illusion.”5 God encourages us to love our enemy, but hate their actions. “Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good,” (Romans 12:9, ESV)

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Second, while some signs are more intense today than ever before (world wars as an example), our modern communication and media might give us the perception things happen more than in generations past.

Do you think we might be living in the last days, and that the end of the world is coming soon? I've heard that the Bible teaches evil will grow stronger toward the end, and I can't help but wonder if we're living in those days. A:

Born in Lebanon, he emigrated to the states as a baby. His parents became U.S. citizens (doing it the right way), when he turned 18, he, too became a citizen. He’s been saved for 30 years. He pastors a church in Hawaii and has a YouTube Channel and Podcast. Bellow are the Bible passages that he quoted in his list. Below is the video of this message. I highly recommend you watch it The Rise of Evil on Earth: Is Biblical Prophecy Being Fulfilled? as he goes into way more details…

Unsettling as it sounds, these signs serve a purpose. They remind us that our world is transient and that our ultimate hope lies beyond this earthly life.

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